Friday, December 19, 2008

Karl Barth: Call to Discipleship

The Call to Discipleship (Facets)

This book is a cheap way to get to know the basics of Karl Barth's theology. He begins the book talking about discipleship as the obedience--without conditions--to Jesus Christ. He goes on throughout the book to talk about what this fettered obedience looks like. He argues that discipleship is not found in an "ideal or principle...nor do we have the basis of a new society freed from the principles of private property. It is simply but more inclusively, question of specific summons to specific people..."

The book is gut-wrenching call to those who have diluted or watered down discipleship to some kind of ten step program to a better life. Unlike other popular evangelists, Barth pulls no punches when he talks about radical obedience to the person of Jesus Christ as he instructs us in our lives. This book is not for the faint of heart or for those looking for an easy answer to the question of Christian discipleship.

After I finished reading the book, I laid down to sleep and kept turning over these ideas of Barth's in my head. The book has altered my view of what true discipleship looks like, and will, I am sure, still speak to thousands in this postmodern age we live in. I would highly recommend reading it to all those who read my book reviews.